Company “Variant” is the diversified structure, which develops, organizes deliveries and implements new technology for different industries of Ukraine.
Company priorities are agro-industrial complex, mining complex and coal industry.
Several research and production programs were accepted for implementation by the Company.
- Enterprises of company as part of program “hygrometer” develops new hygrometer models for cereals, oilseeds and other crops, for hygrometers of casein, butter, pasta and other. These means of control provide portable execution and building continuous control-diagnostic systems of humidity and temperature bulk products in the process in real-time, with the automation functions of the latter.
- Implementation of the program "Magnetite" has created a number of effective tools for determining the concentration of magnetic iron in iron ore, in crushed ore and pulp; develop a set of continuous monitoring of magnetite in a stream on a conveyor belt.
Devices and systems OKM series are competitive and highly profitable throughout the post-Soviet space over two decades through qualitative research and innovative solutions.
Briefly about us: a team of professionals that had been working since 1993 on market in manufacture of equipment and in-line systems of determination moisture, ash and magnetite controlled raw materials. We take care of the most critical engineering tasks - designing, programming, implementing and debugging. Everything else is done on contract manufacturing. Thanks for a long time the adjusted cooperation with manufacturers and assemblers of printed circuit boards, the body mechanics, metal constructions and other, we get high-quality and affordable in total cost electronic (and not only) products and systems, which are used in agriculture, iron ore and coal mining. We have available our original designs and patents of Ukraine.